640 cit Poisoned Wheat ArvaStop • specially prepared wheat to control voles • approved for use in arable, vegetable and fruit crops, in forest and ornamental plants, vines, meadows and pastures • Thermal pretreatment makes wheat not viable • fast and effective action and no gas leakage before bait is taken • Important: The bait must be introduced deeply into rodent pathways, in locations inaccessible to birds. There must be no bait left on the surface. Do not use in buildings • Usage: to combat voles approx. 5 g / 8-10 m path length The active ingredient, zinc phosphide, in the bait only begins its fast and reliable effect once the rodent has eaten it and it comes into contact with stomach acid Use plant protection products safely. Read the instructions to avoid risks to people and the environment. Take care when using biocides. Always read the label and product information before use! Active ingredient Zinc phosphide Ref. no. Contents € 299458 1 kg / Bucket 1/12 299528 5 kg / Bucket 1 Poisoned Wheat Ratron • fast-acting wheat bait for targeted field mouse combating • special formulation prevents active ingredients evaporating before bait uptake • apply 5 grains per mouse hole, covered • to combat field mice in agriculture, vegetable, fruit and ornamental plants and grassland Use plant protection products safely. Read the instructions to avoid risks to people and the environment. Take care when using biocides. Always read the label and product information before use! Active ingredient Zinc phosphide Ref. no. Contents € 299700 5 kg / Bucket 1/4 299888 1 kg / Bucket 1/12 Laying Gun Targeted, safe and easy delivery of bait directly into rodents‘ burrows and holes. • very simple and intuitive operation for efficient working • transparent reservoir makes the fill level easy to see • practical bait dosage by means of adjusting screw • suitable for all coarse-grained and granulated rodent baits • with cap to protect the contents from moisture and spillage • Material: Plastic Ref. no. Length Capacity € 299455 106 cm 500 ml 1/24 288 Vole Control 299700