644 SnailStop Electric Slug Fence The electric SnailStop snail fence protects your vegetables reliably against snails and is completely non-toxic. The current-carrying fence tape prompts snails to turn around. The current is so low that it cannot be felt by humans or other animals and is harmless. • reliably protects vegetables from snails and is non-toxic • current-carrying fence tape forms an effective barrier that snails cannot cross • on first contact, the snail will establish an electrical contact and will feel an unpleasant tingling which will prompt it to turn away • low fence voltage of 9 Volts is unpleasant, but not dangerous for the snail • the low voltage is imperceptible and harmless for humans and other animals • easy installation thanks to self-adhesive fence tape that adheres to wood, metal, plastic, stone or concrete • can be extended to 30 m in length, several beds can be protected with just one power device • uncomplicated maintenance thanks to control LEDs for battery status and fence status • battery-operated, no power connection required