Agricultural Equipment and Supplies 2024

26 Dry Food Bottle • complete with teat and plastic holder • developed for calf rearing feed, which can be given from the 2nd day for approx. 3 months and greatly promotes the development of the rumen • the future output (milk production) of the animal is thus increased, and the utilisation of feed is significantly improved ​ ​ ​ Ref. no. Capacity ​ ​ € 1428 4 L 1/20 180 ​ Ref. no. Description ​ € 1429 Teat for Dry Food Bottle 1/25/300 ​ 1432 Milk Teat for Milk Bottle 1/25/300 ​ 1437 Metal Holder 1/6 ​ Milk Bottle • suitable for single animal breeding and for drug administration • complete with teat • with measuring scale ​ ​ ​ Ref. no. Description Capacity ​ ​ € 1425 round 1 L 1/20 320 ​ 1426 angular 2 L 1/20 160 ​ 1461 square, with handle 3 L 1/40 320 ​ Bottles & Drenchers Floating Suction Cup • easy to take apart and clean • the extra-large float means the teat can no longer be tipped • with break-proof mounting tab • with round holes ​ ​ ​ Ref. no. ​ € 1416 1/100 ​ Ref. no. Description ​ € 1417 Teat for Floating Teat 1/50/400 ​ Bottle Teat • food safe • Material: Rubber ​ ​ ​ Ref. no. ​ € 14191 1/50/500 ​ Bottle Teat • with tabs, makes putting on easy • especially soft with long life • Material: Rubber ​ ​ ​ Ref. no. Description Colour Length MOQ Pieces / unit ​ € 14198 for calves beige 100 mm 1 pack 10 / pack 1/30 ​ 1429 1437 1432 1428 1425 1426 1461 1416 1417 14191 14198