Agricultural Equipment and Supplies 2024

388 ​ ​ ​ ​ Ear Marking Pliers Twintag • spring loaded ​ ​ ​ Ref. no. Material ​ € 2095 Aluminium 1/50 ​ Ear Tag Twintag • Special ear tag for piglets, sheep and lambs • in yellow, red, green, blue and white • only available in packs (1-50, 51-100, ...) When ordering please always specify the colour and numbers! Minimum order quantity for non-stock colours and numbers: 100 pcs. (pack of 2) ​ ​ Ref. no. Labelling Length Width stock MOQ Pieces / unit ​ € 2085 plain 35 mm 10 mm stock 1 pack 50 / pack 1/50 ​ 2086 embossed on one side 35 mm 10 mm in stock 1-200 1 pack 50 / pack 1/50 ​ Marking Pen • can be labelled by the customer • wipe-resistant • instant drying • numbers or signs can be traced or completed on already applied ear tags ​ ​ ​ Ref. no. Colour Line weight ​ € 20144 black 2 mm 1/25/500 ​ 20144/1 black 2 mm 1 ​ 20143 black 1 mm 1/10/100 ​ 20144 20143