Agricultural Equipment and Supplies 2024

52 Extension Set Double Calf Box for 14611 • extension set for converting two calf boxes (14611) into one double box • robust extension, easy to move by hand or front loader • flexible, easy conversion back to two single boxes Ref. no. ​ € 14614 1 ​ Double Calf Box • supplied package includes two complete calf boxes (14611) incl. expansion set (14614) • robust extension, easy to move by hand or front loader • flexible, easy conversion between double and single boxes ​ ​ ​ Ref. no. Description ​ € ​ 14615 Double Calf Box 1 ​ ​ Calf box Technical data ​ External hut dimensions 201 cm x 214 cm x 131 cm House inner dimensions 160 x 200 x 106 cm Weight 323 kg