Agricultural Equipment and Supplies 2024

66 Paste Probicol®-K Paste for the gut with natural immunoglobulins for calves • Paste to supplement colostrum feed and when at risk of, during or after digestion disorders • increases calf vitality in three ways: Supports the immune system, stabilises the natural intestinal flora and quickly available energy • safe dosage by administering with the help of injectors ​ ​ ​ Ref. no. Contents MOQ Pieces / unit ​ € 15768 20 ml / injector 1 pieces 6 / pieces 1/10 ​ EUTRA Diarrhoea Stopper INTERLAC-PECTIN • Ror calves and piglets • regulates the intestinal flora and promotes healthy growth • pure natural product with apple pectin and no antibiotics • natural pectins stabilise the gastrointestinal tract • recommended for diarrhoea • is readily accepted thanks to natural apple flavour Natural product with pectin ​ ​ Ref. no. Contents ​ € 15272 2,5 kg / Bucket 1/2 ​ 15158 25 kg / Sack 1 ​ Dietary supplement Quality for feed Feeding recommendation: • Dosage: 5 – 10 g/10 kg body weight or 2 % in complete food (3 to 4 days) • Dosage for prevention: 5 g/10 kg body weight or 1 % in complete food (continuous) Feeding recommendation: • 1 injector after birth, 1 injector for problem calves on the 3rd and 7th day of life, 1 injector in the morning and 1 in the evening if there is a risk of diarrhoea Paste Ferrovital®-K • Dietary supplement feed for the ideal supply of iron, selenium and vitamins to calves after birth • rich in highly available iron for blood formation and defence against infections • with vitamins A and E to strengthen the intestinal mucosa and the body‘s defences • valuable herbal oils in the paste prevent indigestion • simple dosing and feeding thanks to portioned injectors (2 applications per injector) ​ ​ Ref. no. Contents MOQ Pieces / unit ​ € 15752 20 ml / injector 1 pack 6 / pack 1/10 ​ Quality for feed Paste Oregastrol® acute • Dietary supplementary feed for calves for stabilising the water and electrolyte balance and for supporting physiological digestion • for prevention, during the onset or after digestive disorders such as diarrhoea • supports with fluid, energy and electrolyte losses • rich in sodium and potassium • contains readily available carbohydrates • with appetite-stimulating oregano oil • Retention of the milk drinker • easy to dose and administer with portioned applicator ​ ​ Ref. no. Contents MOQ Pieces / unit ​ € 15803 20 ml / injector 1 pack 6 / pack 1/10 ​ Quality for feed Not for sale in the UK!