Agricultural Equipment and Supplies 2024

72 Milking Test Milking Test KerbaTEST • for determining the cell content in raw milk • provides information on udder status in cows and sheep before the change in milk due to flakes, blood and wateriness becomes visible ​ ​ ​ Ref. no. Contents ​ ​ € 1514 1 L / Bottle 1/12 480 ​ 15141 5 L / Canister 1/4 96 ​ Ref. no. Description ​ € 1515 Dispensing Bottle for Milk Test 250 ml 1/100 ​ Schalm test disk • for California mastitis testing • one milk sample (approx. 2 ml) is added to each well, each from one udder quarter ​ ​ ​ Ref. no. Colour Material ​ € 1513 white Plastic 1/50 ​ 1513-SP white Plastic 1 ​ 15131 black Plastic 1/50 ​ SHOOF Mastitis Tester Original • the X-Spurt tester makes mastitis testing a quick and efficient matter • a short press on the X-Spurt handle, which also serves as a reservoir for the test fluid, sends an equal measure of test fluid into all four test areas at the same time, the samples then mix with the test fluid thanks to the tester’s circular movements • 300 ml test fluid in the holder is enough to test around 15 cows ​ ​ ​ Ref. no. Colour Material ​ € 15132 white Plastic 1/50 ​ Indicator Paper • is used to quickly identify secretion disorders that are often a sign of the onset of udder diseases • the paper has been prepared with a special indicator substance on four spots, marked according to the udder quarters • the corresponding indicator points must be moistened with milk of the first jets of each teat canal. ​ ​ ​ Ref. no. Contents ​ € 1535 25 sheet / Pack 1/500 ​ Skin pack only available in UK! Top Quality 1515