The permanent fence guide for paddocks

58 AKO device overview Type Art. No. joules Display: LED / LCD medium vegetation recommended accessories Use NDi 6500 372806 8.20 J Fence/ earth LED/LCD 12 km up to 100 ha 44669 Fence Tester 44615 Ground rod 1 m: 3 x 446513 Warning Sign 44601 Lightning Protection Throttle 44818 High voltage / underground cable Main unit, extra strong for long fences/heavy vegetation/Shetlands N 4800 372885 6.70 J Fence/ earth LED 8 km up to 45 ha Main unit, larger/multiple paddocks N 3500 372883 5.50 J Fence/ earth LED 6 km up to 25 ha N 1200 372881 1.70 J Funct. LED 2 km up to 3 ha Power Profi NDi digital Power N Type Art. No. joules Display: LED / LCD medium vegetation recommended accessories Use X 2500 372872 3.20 J Fence/ battery LED 4 km up to 11 ha for both stationary and mobile paddocks X 1000 372871 1.60 J Function/ battery LED 1.5 km up to 2 ha Duo Power X Type Art. No. joules Display: LED / LCD medium vegetation recommended accessories Use 3000 372754 4.10 J Fence/ battery LED 6 km up to 25 ha mobile fences, also with vegetation, larger paddocks/ long fences 2000 372752 3.20 J Fence/ battery LED 4 km up to 11 ha AD 2000 372201 3.00 J Fence/ battery LED/LCD 8 km up to 44 ha A 1200 372121 2.10 J Fence/ battery LED 5 km up to 17 ha Savanne Mobil Power AD + A 44233 12 volt, 85 Ah battery 442161 Battery acid: 4 x 371017/011 Battery Charger 44619 Ground rod 75 cm: 2 x 44604/011 Ground connection cable: 2 x 446513 Warning Sign Type Art. No. joules Display: LED / LCD medium vegetation recommended accessories Use S 550 372023 0.70 J Fence/ battery LED 2 km up to 3 ha smaller fences/ paddocks without vegetation S 250 372920 0.40J Function/ battery LED 0.7 km to 1 ha Sun Power S 550 Sun Power S 250 44669 Fence Tester 44619 Ground rod 75 cm: 1 x 446513 Warning Sign 44604/011 Ground connection cable 44233 12 volt, 85 Ah battery 442161 Battery acid: 4 x 371017/011 Battery Charger 44656 Metal Battery Boxes 44619 Ground rod 75 cm: 2 x 44604/011 Ground connection cable: 1 x 446513 Warning Sign