AKO Fencing 2025

120 Permanent Fencing Accessories Stationary fences are also characterised as permanent fencing and are used for several years as reliable security for your animals. This type of fence is especially low-maintenance because of the long-lasting and robust materials used in the construction of permanent fencing. They are frequently built with recycled posts, metal T-posts and solid wood posts that are anchored deep into the ground. A stable construction is required, especially in corners and junctions, because of the high tensile forces on the material. Mobile fence variants also have their own conductor material. Here we recommend using our Premium Horse Wire (44873) or Special Steel Wire for fixed fences (445055). We have also developed practical de-tensioning and corner solution sets that make the construction of a stationary fence so much easier. Fixed fence guide Browse the new AKO fixed fence guide online or request your free copy by e-mail at info@kerbl.com!