AKO Wildlife Defence

VORSICHT ELEKTROZAUN 2,5-5 m 5 1 1 2 2 4 6 7 3 8 Bear defence fence 10 device for charging batteries is recommended in exposed areas. If a bear is not already familiar with the beehive protected in this way, it will only rarely break through the fence, according to bear expert Gutleb. The situation is different if the bears have gained experience and have already visited the beehives more often. The stocks must then be secured in a stable manner for the long term. This kind of permanent solution is mainly recommended for more extensive commercial beehive complexes and for queen breeding. There is even support available for installing an electric fence from the nature conservation agency in the state of Carinthia for this and other special cases. A bear can't be stopped mechanically anyway. This is why you need not overdo the strength and density of the posts. Bears hate the electric shock, but if they really want to get through the fence, even stable posts anchored in the ground every 50 cm won’t hold them back.