Hobbyfarming 2025

3 Service Professional product advice Do you require specific advice on our products? Our specially trained product experts are available for your questions and can provide detailed information at any time via phone or e-mail. For more information about these product areas, please go to our website. Hobby Farming ​ ​ Germany: +49 8086 933-323 hobbyfarming@kerbl.com Austria: +43 4224 81555-655 hobbyfarming@kerbl-austria.at International: +49 8086 933-323 hobbyfarming@kerbl.com Kerbl goes Social Media You too can find us on social media, on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. This way, you won’t miss out on Kerbl’s latest news about our company, products and activities. You can find an overview of all social media channels at: https://www.kerbl.de/socialmedia i Instagram