LED lighting for stable and farmyard

9 Biological effect Young cattle An increase in the light intensity with 16 hours of light and 8 hours of darkness also has a positive effect on young cattle. An increased amount of light encourages activity and appetite, and accelerates the growth of the animal. Dry cows For dry cows, daylight phases with 8 hours of light and 16 hours of darkness are helpful. This leads to higher milk yield when lactation starts again. It also has a positive effect on feed intake and the immune system. Thus it is recommended to keep dry cows in a separate stable. LED lights meets all of these requirements LED lights are especially well-suited for new stable construction and the renovation of old stables in order to achieve optimal milk and/or growth output. And when it comes to service life and efficiency, LED lights are superior to all other variants. The higher the annual number of operating hours, the greater the importance of this advantage. Influence on colour temperature The colour temperature of a light source also has a significant influence on biorhythms. In this case, a basic distinction is made between warm white (< 3300 K), neutral white and daylight white (> 5300 K). The higher the colour temperature, the higher the blue/green portion in the spectral composition of the light. Because the brightness perceived by cattle eyes is highest in the blue/green range, the use of lights with a higher colour temperature is recommended in order to achieve a productivity increase. LEDs with a colour temperature of at least 5,300 K are, therefore, extremely well-suited for this. For humans, this also promotes mental and physical performance and prevents the eyes from quickly becoming fatigued. Lactating cows Young cattle Dry cows 150-200 lux 150-200 lux 150-200 lux 16 h of light 16 h of light 8 h of light 8 h of darkness 8 h of darkness 16 h of darkness