Animal-friendly - sustainable - economical LED lighting for stable and farmyard © 02/2025
2 Your expert in animal-appropriate LED lighting Comfort for animals and humans There are many factors at play when it comes to the right lighting for animals and humans. The light spectrum and the light distribution in particular have a huge influence on the biological effects, and so on the fertility, immune system, welfare, activity, growth and performance of your animals. And yet the working conditions of farmers and vets can also be significantly improved with the right lighting. LED lighting by Kerbl – the right light for every space
3 Your expert in animal-appropriate LED lighting 5-year warranty LED indoor spotlight MultiLED Pro FarmPRO 8-year warranty 8-year warranty Our HiLED Premium Farmer and MultiLED Premium Farmer and FarmTUBE lights have passed ammonia resistance tests at the DLG testing laboratory! Made for long-lasting use in harsh environments! Put your trust in Kerbl’s experience: Our lights were specially developed for lasting use in stables and similarly demanding environments. As well as high stress due to humidity and dust, lights in stables are exposed to a lot of chemicals in the ambient air and due to cleaning processes. In particular, lights have to be able to withstand high concentrations of ammonia. Therefore, to ensure a long service life, we focus our efforts on the technical design, the use of suitable electronic components and materials, and high-quality workmanship of our LED lights. And we don’t just rely on our own expertise – we also put our products through special safety and load tests by independent and recognised testing institutes such as TÜV Süd and the DLG Test Lab. Economic and environmentally friendly operation Not all LEDs are made equal. The details matter when it comes to taking full advantage of the potential savings in terms of costs and energy consumption. A high light output and optimised light distribution reduce the number of lamps required. At the same time, it’s also what’s inside that counts if you want to enjoy your lighting for a long time, as this ultimately affects the life and maintenance costs.
4 14 % 12 % 10 % 14 % 19 % 31 % 2010 2016 2020 1 % 8 % 8 % 9 % 16 % 58 % 78 % 8 % 5 % 5 % 3 % The triumphant advance of the LED The lighting market is currently undergoing a massive upheaval. While the classic light bulb has already disappeared from the market, other traditional lighting sources such as halogen, energy-saving and discharge lamps are more and more being replaced by more modern technologies. The European Union is taking a leading role in this: With Directive 2009/125/ EC (Ecodesign Directive), the legal framework has been created for the eco-design of energy-related products such as those used for lighting systems. Inefficient products are supposed to be gradually phased out of the market. And due to its high energy efficiency and life span, LED technology has emerged as the clear winner in this area. In 2011, the share of LED products in the global lighting system market was still at 12 %; however, according to a study by the McKinsey consulting firm, this share is now over 70 % – the triumphant advance of LED is thus rapid and unstoppable. LED lighting for stable and farmyard This development has obviously also made its way to the stable door and beyond because the advantages of this technology are so overwhelming. Even we are convinced of the benefits of LED lighting and currently offer a select product line for agricultural use. Take a look at our diverse range of products and see for yourself! Incandescent light bulb Halogen High-pressure gas discharge lamps Fluorescent tubes Energy-saving lamps LED The new standard with many advantages Source: McKinsey
5 Basic lighting technology terms Nowadays it is not enough to judge the light output of a lamp or bulb by just the wattage. What is more important is the luminous flux (lumens) as well as the luminous efficacy (lumens per watts). Luminous flux Unit: Lumens (lm) The luminous flux characterises the total amount of light given off by a light source in all directions. This is an important criterion when comparing luminaires. Luminous efficacy Unit: Lumens per watt (lm/W) The luminous efficacy characterises the level of effectiveness of a light source and is calculated from the relationship of the luminous flux to the recorded output. Lighting strength Unit: Lux (lx) 1 Lux = 1 lm/m² The lighting strength characterises the luminous flux striking a specific surface. It is ultimately the deciding measure for evaluating the brightness at a specific point in the space. The greater distance away the light source is located, the larger the illuminated surface and correspondingly the lower the lighting strength will be. The measurement of the lighting strength in the stable should take place at eye level. 1 lumen Watt Lumens 1 lux 1 m² Example A 100 watt bulb generates a luminous flux of approx. 1000 lumens. Examples Classic light bulb approx. 10 lm/W Halogen spotlight approx. 18 lm/W LED chip up to 200 lm/W The new standard with many advantages
6 The advantages at a glance High service life LED chips have a very long service life up to 100,000 hours. In continual operation, that amounts to approx. 6 years; at 8 hours of daily operation, this amounts to over 17 years. Costs for maintenance and lamp replacement are also reduced to a minimum. LED chips also do not simply fail, but rather begin to lose their brightness over time (degradation). Reputable providers normally offer a „useful life duration“ according to EU Regulation 2019/2020. For example, the information „L70“ indicates that the LED chip will still achieve 70 % of its original light output after 50,000 hours. The life span of an LED chip depends, among other things, on the operating and ambient temperature: The better the heat dissipation and the lower the ambient temperature, the slower the ageing process. LED technology in the stable pays off LEDs operate at a high level of effectiveness and are extremely efficient. Their luminous efficacy is thus especially high. The investment costs for new equipment or a conversion are currently still normally higher when compared to conventional lighting technology; however these costs will pay for themselves over a short amount of time due to the considerable savings in operating costs – when all is said and done, you will be saving real cash, day after day! LED lights with industrially manufactured LED chips have, for example, approx. a 5 x higher luminous efficacy than conventional halogen lights. Though it is true that modern discharge lamps (fluorescent lamps, metal 90 % less energy costs at the same light output Comparison of LED and halogen spotlights Example: Burning life 4 hours per day (1,460 hours per year) A good 50-Watt LED spotlight will be just as bright as a 500Watt halogen spotlight, but will use approx. 90 % less power. Luminaire light current per spotlight annual electricity costs (based on € 0.35/kW) 500-Watt halogen spotlight (18 lm/W) 9000 lumens (500 watt x 18 lm/W) 219,00 € 50-Watt LED spotlight (160 lm/W) 8,000 lumens (50 Watt x 160 lm/W) 21,90 € Annual electricity cost savings: 197,10 € Examples LED chip up to 100.000 h Modern fluorescent lamp approx. 18.000 h Halogen lamp approx. 2.000 h Light bulb approx. 1.000 h halide lamps) also achieve high luminous efficacy; however, you have to take into account here that the light is given off in all directions and despite reflectors, a portion of that light is „lost.“ In contrast, LEDs emit light downward at a defined angle of, e.g. 120° – therefore, the light reaches where it is really needed.
7 The advantages at a glance High switching capacity On – Off – On – Off … Contrary to energy-saving and fluorescent lamps, the robust light emitting diode is practically impervious to frequent switching on/off. Thus they are also well-suited for switch intensive operation on motion detectors. Immediate full light output Energy-saving and discharge lamps require a „warm-up time“ of almost a few minutes to reach full brightness. With LEDs, this scenario is a thing of the past because they offer immediate 100 % light output when turned on. Full light output even at low temperatures LEDs also operate extremely efficiently at low temperatures and are, therefore, ideal for use in outside areas or in unheated buildings. For example, while an LED tube continues to emit its full light output at an ambient temperature of 0 °C, a typical fluorescent tube, which is designed for ambient temperatures of 20 °C, only emits 40-60 % of its max. value. Does not attract insects Insect eyes contrary to human eyes are especially sensitive to ultraviolet radiation (UV). While the mercury vapour high pressure lamps frequently used in the past acted like a vacuum cleaner sucking up millions of insects due to its high share of UV, the light emitted by LEDs are very insect-friendly – it contains practically no UV radiation. No additional heat input The light emitted by an LED remains cool – compare that to thermal radiators such halogen or incandescent light bulb lamps for which a large portion of the energy is output in infrared radiation and thus in heat. The electronics of LEDs due in fact produce heat; however, this is not emitted in the direction of the object being illuminated. Natural colour perception In dairy cattle farming, a high and natural colour rendering is required for the colour differentiation between blood, urine and milk, especially in treatment areas, sick stalls and calving bays. The quality of the colour rendering is expressed in terms of the Ra value. The maximum possible value is 100. A Ra value of > 75 is recommended. Contrary to LEDs, sodium vapour lamps, for example, have a very poor colour rendering (Ra 20-50). Environmentally-friendly and safe operation Due to its high energy efficiency, the CO2 pollution is correspondingly low. Operation is completely safe and disposal can be made via community collection centres because LED lights do not contain any mercury. Naturally, all of our products meet the requirements of Guideline 2011/65/EU regarding limiting the use of certain hazardous substances in electric and electronic devices (RoHS). OFF ON
8 Biological effect More milk through more light Lighting duration, lighting intensity and light colour all have a major impact on lactation, fertility and the well-being of animals. In dairy cattle farming, lighting management, therefore, is extremely important. Scientific studies have shown that daily milk production can be increased 5-15 % on average during long daylight phases with 16 hours of light and 8 hours of darkness. However, this requires a uniform lighting strength of 150-200 lux. Source: Bayerische Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft (LfL), LfL-Information „Licht und Lichtprogramme in der Rinderhaltung“ (Light and lighting programmes in cattle husbandry), February 2012 Extended daylight phase Natural day How does this work? Light signals are sent to the pineal gland via the animal‘s eyes. A higher amount of light reduces the secretion of the hormone melatonin from the pineal gland, whereby the liver is stimulated to produce the IGF-1 hormone. This leads to increased activity for the cow, increased appetite and increased milk production. Milk yield (kg/day) Light 150-200 lux Pineal gland Melatonin secretion Liver Secretion Source: Bayerische Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft (LfL), LfL-Information „Licht und Lichtprogramme in der Rinderhaltung“ (Light and lighting programmes in cattle husbandry), February 2012 28,5 Peters et al., 1978 Peters et al., 1981 Marcek & Swanson, 1984 Stanislewski et al., 1985 Evans & Hacker, 1989 32,0 22,5 24,0 30,5 33,5 20,0 22,0 35,5 38,0
9 Biological effect Young cattle An increase in the light intensity with 16 hours of light and 8 hours of darkness also has a positive effect on young cattle. An increased amount of light encourages activity and appetite, and accelerates the growth of the animal. Dry cows For dry cows, daylight phases with 8 hours of light and 16 hours of darkness are helpful. This leads to higher milk yield when lactation starts again. It also has a positive effect on feed intake and the immune system. Thus it is recommended to keep dry cows in a separate stable. LED lights meets all of these requirements LED lights are especially well-suited for new stable construction and the renovation of old stables in order to achieve optimal milk and/or growth output. And when it comes to service life and efficiency, LED lights are superior to all other variants. The higher the annual number of operating hours, the greater the importance of this advantage. Influence on colour temperature The colour temperature of a light source also has a significant influence on biorhythms. In this case, a basic distinction is made between warm white (< 3300 K), neutral white and daylight white (> 5300 K). The higher the colour temperature, the higher the blue/green portion in the spectral composition of the light. Because the brightness perceived by cattle eyes is highest in the blue/green range, the use of lights with a higher colour temperature is recommended in order to achieve a productivity increase. LEDs with a colour temperature of at least 5,300 K are, therefore, extremely well-suited for this. For humans, this also promotes mental and physical performance and prevents the eyes from quickly becoming fatigued. Lactating cows Young cattle Dry cows 150-200 lux 150-200 lux 150-200 lux 16 h of light 16 h of light 8 h of light 8 h of darkness 8 h of darkness 16 h of darkness
11 60.000 € 70.000 € 80.000 € Jahre0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011121314151617181920 50.000 € 40.000 € 30.000 € 20.000 € 10.000 € 0 € Cost savings per year €2,914 Amortisation period 0.6 years Sample figure (red = HQI, green = LED) Conversion to LED technology Investment calculation using a dairy stable as an example Halogen metal halide lamps (HQI/HIE) are frequently the first choice for stable lighting due to their relatively good luminous efficacy and colour rendering. The following example shows, however, that a conversion to LED technology can pay for itself quite quickly. Dairy stable with 40 x 24 metres Installation height of the lights 6 metres Average lighting strength approx. 200 lux Average burning life of 6 hours per day Cost trend over 20 years Type of luminaire Before: Halogen-metal vapour 250 W After: LED Indoor Spotlight 150 W Power consumption 272 watts (incl. ballast) 150 watts Service life of the light source approx. 11,000 hours (= 5 years at a burning life of 6 h/day) approx. 100,000 hours (= 45 years at a burning life of 6 h/day) Required number of lights for 200 lux 20 pieces 15 pieces Total connected load in the stable 5440 watts 1800 watts Energy consumption per year (2190 h) 11.913,60 kWh 3.942 kWh Investment costs for 12 LED lights 1.668 € Energy costs per year (€0.20 /kWh) 3.574,08 € 788,40 € Costs for lamp replacement, annualised 128 € Total costs per year 3.702,08 € 788,40 € cost savings per year 2.914 € Amortisation period 0.6 years total cost savings after 20 years 58.280 € Invest now
13 LED light HiLED Premium Farmer The LED light, featuring top-quality materials, electronics and workmanship and specially developed for agriculture and demanding conditions, provides additional benefits in terms of safety, resilience and working life. • resistant to ammonia (DLG-tested) • an insulated LED driver with integrated overload, short-circuit, and no-load protection provides additional safety for the LEDs, and extends their working life • optimised light spectrum promotes fertility, immune system, animal well-being and performance • high colour rendering index for a particularly natural colour perception of e.g. blood, urine, milk or other illuminated objects • extremely efficient through high lumen output • special heat sink shape for optimised heat dissipation • protected against powerful water jets and dust-proof (IP65 protection class) • flicker-free, so also suitable for animals with high visual acuity • cover made from hardened glass • with D marking according to DIN EN 60598-2-24, therefore suitable for areas at risk of fires due to combustible dusts or fibres (hay storage, feed, litter, etc.) • suitable for outdoor use • GS-tested • 8-year warranty Technical data 345910 Voltage 100 - 277 V AC Mains frequency 50 - 60 Hz Luminous efficacy 160 lm/W Light angle (half intensity angle) 120 ° Chip service life (L70) > 100.000 h LED type SMD Dimming function 1…10 V, 10 V PWM, 0 - 100 kΩ resistance Material Die-cast aluminium with anti-corrosion coating / tempered glass / stainless steel Operating ambient temperature -30 - 50 °C Colour rendering (CRI) Ra > 80 Power factor > 0,9 Protection class IP65 Ref. no. Output Length Width Height Dimming function Luminous flux Colour temperature € 345910 100 W 14,9 cm 25,3 cm 25,3 cm dimmable 16.000 lm 5.700 K 1/8 345911 150 W 15,5 cm 30,8 cm 30,8 cm dimmable 24.000 lm 5.700 K 1/4 345912 200 W 16 cm 35,4 cm 35,4 cm dimmable 32.000 lm 5.700 K 1/4 345913 240 W 16 cm 40,5 cm 40,5 cm dimmable 38.400 lm 5.700 K 1/4 Ref. no. Description Colour Material suitable for € 345914 Mounting bracket for ceiling and wall mounting LED Light HiLed Premium Farmer black metal 345910 1/10 345915 Mounting bracket for ceiling and wall mounting LED Light HiLed Premium Farmer black metal 345911 1/10 345916 Mounting bracket for ceiling and wall mounting LED Light HiLed Premium Farmer black metal 345912 1/10 345917 Mounting bracket for ceiling and wall mounting LED Light HiLed Premium Farmer black metal 345913 1/10 New product 8-year warranty Stable and Yard Lighting Top Quality
14 LED light HiLED Pro The high-quality LED light is suitable for agriculture as well as for many other applications in trade and industry. • resistant to ammonia • extremely efficient through high lumen output • special heat sink shape for optimised heat dissipation • protected against powerful water jets and dust-proof (IP65 protection class) • flicker-free, so also suitable for animals with high visual acuity • cover made from hardened glass • with D marking according to DIN EN 60598-2-24, therefore suitable for areas at risk of fires due to combustible dusts or fibres (hay storage, feed, litter, etc.) • suitable for outdoor use • 5-year warranty Technical data 345920 Voltage 100 - 277 V AC Mains frequency 50 - 60 Hz Luminous efficacy 160 lm/W Light angle (half intensity angle) 120 ° Chip service life (L70) > 80.000 h LED type SMD Dimming function 1…10 V, 10 V PWM, 0 - 100 kΩ resistance Material Die-cast aluminium with anti-corrosion coating / tempered glass / stainless steel Operating ambient temperature -30 - 50 °C Colour rendering (CRI) Ra > 80 Power factor > 0,9 Protection class IP65 Ref. no. Output Length Width Height Dimming function Luminous flux Colour temperature € 345920 100 W 15,5 cm 23,8 cm 23,8 cm dimmable 16.000 lm 5.700 K 1/8 345921 150 W 16,2 cm 25,5 cm 25,5 cm dimmable 24.000 lm 5.700 K 1/8 345922 200 W 16,6 cm 29,9 cm 29,9 cm dimmable 32.000 lm 5.700 K 1/4 Ref. no. Description Colour Material € 345923 Mounting bracket for ceiling and wall mounting LED Light HiLED Pro black metal 1/20 New product 5-year warranty Stable and Yard Lighting
15 LED light HiLED Evo The compact LED light is the perfect choice for particularly cost-effective illumination in many areas of application in moderately used industrial buildings, as well as in commerce and industry. • not recommended for use in stalls/stables with high concentrations of ammonia • extremely efficient through high lumen output • compact and efficient design • protected against water jets and dust-proof (IP66 protection class) • Cover made from polycarbonate • 3-year warranty Technical data Voltage 100 - 240 V AC Mains frequency 50 - 60 Hz Luminous efficacy 150 lm/W Light angle (half intensity angle) 120 ° Chip service life (L70) > 50.000 h LED type SMD Dimming function 1…10 V, 10 V PWM, 0 - 100 kΩ resistance Material Die-cast aluminium with anti-corrosion coating / Polycarbonate / stainless steel Operating ambient temperature -30 - 50 °C Colour rendering (CRI) Ra > 80 Power factor > 0,9 Protection class IP66 Ref. no. Output Length Width Height Dimming function Luminous flux Colour temperature € 345930 75 W 15,8 cm 26,5 cm 26,5 cm dimmable 11.250 lm 5.700 K 1/2 345931 125 W 15,8 cm 26,5 cm 26,5 cm dimmable 18.750 lm 5.700 K 1/2 345932 175 W 16 cm 30 cm 30 cm dimmable 26.250 lm 5.700 K 1/2 Ref. no. Description Colour Material € 345933 Mounting bracket for ceiling and wall mounting LED Light HiLED Evo black metal 1/36 New product 3-year warranty Stable and Yard Lighting
16 LED light MultiLED Premium Farmer The LED light, featuring top-quality materials, electronics and workmanship and specially developed for agriculture and demanding conditions, provides additional benefits in terms of safety, resilience and working life. With the individually rotatable modules, the light offers customisable light distribution and can be used extremely variably as a floodlight or high bay floodlight. • resistant to ammonia (DLG-tested) • an insulated LED driver with integrated overload, short-circuit, and no-load protection provides additional safety for the LEDs, and extends their working life • extremely efficient through high lumen output • special heat sink shape for optimised heat dissipation • protected against powerful water jets and dust-proof (IP65 protection class) • flicker-free, so also suitable for animals with high visual acuity • cover made from hardened glass • with D marking according to DIN EN 60598-2-24, therefore suitable for areas at risk of fires due to combustible dusts or fibres (hay storage, feed, litter, etc.) • suitable for outdoor use • GS-tested • 8-year warranty Technical data 345970 Voltage 100 - 277 V AC Mains frequency 50 - 60 Hz Luminous efficacy 160 lm/W Light angle (half intensity angle) 120 ° Chip service life (L70) > 100.000 h LED type SMD Dimming function 1…10 V, 10 V PWM, 0 - 100 kΩ resistance Material Die-cast aluminium with anti-corrosion coating / tempered glass / stainless steel Operating ambient temperature -40 - 50 °C Colour rendering (CRI) Ra > 80 Power factor > 0,9 Protection class IP65 Ref. no. Description Output Length Width Height Dimming function Luminous flux Colour temperature € 345970 2 swivel modules 150 W 12,7 cm 35,3 cm 30 cm dimmable 19.500 lm 5.700 K 1/4 345971 4 swivel modules 300 W 12,7 cm 58 cm 30 cm dimmable 48.000 lm 5.700 K 1/2 New product 8-year warranty Stable and Yard Lighting Top Quality 345970 345971
17 LED light MultiLED Pro The high-quality LED light is suitable for agriculture as well as for many other applications in trade and industry. With the individually rotatable modules, the light offers customisable light distribution and can be used extremely variably as a floodlight or high bay floodlight. • resistant to ammonia • extremely efficient through high lumen output • special heat sink shape for optimised heat dissipation • protected against powerful water jets and dust-proof (IP65 protection class) • flicker-free, so also suitable for animals with high visual acuity • cover made from hardened glass • with D marking according to DIN EN 60598-2-24, therefore suitable for areas at risk of fires due to combustible dusts or fibres (hay storage, feed, litter, etc.) • suitable for outdoor use • 5-year warranty Technical data 345975 Voltage 100 - 277 V AC Mains frequency 50 - 60 Hz Luminous efficacy 160 lm/W Light angle (half intensity angle) 120 ° Chip service life (L70) > 80.000 h LED type SMD Dimming function 1…10 V, 10 V PWM, 0 - 100 kΩ resistance Material Die-cast aluminium with anti-corrosion coating / tempered glass / stainless steel Operating ambient temperature -40 - 50 °C Colour rendering (CRI) Ra > 80 Power factor > 0,9 Protection class IP65 Ref. no. Description Output Length Width Height Dimming function Luminous flux Colour temperature € 345975 2 swivel modules 150 W 12,7 cm 35,3 cm 30 cm dimmable 19.500 lm 5.700 K 1/4 345976 3 swivel modules 225 W 13,5 cm 44,1 cm 30 cm dimmable 36.000 lm 5.700 K 1/3 New product 5-year warranty Stable and Yard Lighting 345975 345976
18 20 m 30 m 20 m 30 m 5 m 6 m 5 m 6 m 5 m 6 m 5 m 6 m 30 m - 3 & 2 - 3 x 3 30 m 4 x 3 4 + 3 + 4 4 x 3 5 x 3 40 m - 4 & 3 - 3 x 3 40 m 4 x 3 4 x 3 4 x 4 5 x 4 50 m 4 & 3 4 x 2 4 + 3 + 4 4 x 3 50 m 4 x 4 4 x 4 5 x 4 6 x 4 60 m 4 & 3 4 x 2 5 + 4 + 5 5 x 3 60 m 6 x 3 6 x 3 7 x 4 7 x 4 70 m 6 & 4 6 x 2 6 + 5 + 6 6 x 3 70 m 7 + 6 +7 7 + 6 +7 8 x 4 8 x 4 80 m 6 & 5 6 x 2 7 + 6 + 7 7 x 3 80 m 8 x 3 8 x3 9 x 4 9 x 4 20 m 30 m 20 m 30 m 6m 8m 6m 8m 6m 8m 6m 8m 30 m - - - - 30 m 3 x 2 3 x 2 3 x 3 3 x 3 40 m - 3 x 2 - 3 x 2 40 m 4 x 2 4 x 2 4 x 3 4 x 3 50 m 4 & 3 4 x 2 4 & 3 4 x 2 50 m 5 x 2 5 x 2 5 x 3 5 x 3 60 m 4 & 3 4 x 2 4 & 3 5 x 2 60 m 6 x 2 6 x 2 5 x 3 6 x 3 70 m 5 & 4 5 x 2 5 & 4 5 x 2 70 m 7 x 2 7 x 2 6 x 3 7 x 3 80 m 5 & 4 5 x 2 5 & 4 6 x 2 80 m 7 x 2 8 x 2 7 x 3 8 x 3 20 m 30 m 20 m 30 m 6m 8m 6m 8m 6m 8m 6m 8m 30 m - - - 2 x 2 30 m 3 & 2 3 x 2 3 x 2 3 x 2 40 m - - 3 & 2 3 & 2 40 m 3 x 2 3 x 2 3 x 3 3 x 3 50 m - - 3 x 2 3 x 2 50 m 4 x 2 4 x 2 4 x 3 4 x 3 60 m - - 3 x 2 4 & 3 60 m 5 & 4 5 x 2 4 x 3 4 x 3 70 m - - 4 x 2 4 x 2 70 m 5 x 2 6 x 2 5 x 3 5 x 3 80 m - - 4 x 2 5 x 2 80 m 6 x 2 6 x 2 6 x 3 6 x 3 20 m 30 m 20 m 30 m 8m 10m 8m 10m 8m 10m 8m 10m 30 m - - - - 30 m 3 & 2 3 x 2 3 x 2 3 + 2 + 3 40 m - - - - 40 m 3 x 2 4 & 3 4 x 2 3 x 3 50 m - - - - 50 m 4 x 2 4 x 2 5 x 2 4 x 3 60 m - - - - 60 m 5 & 4 5 x 2 6 x 2 5 x 3 70 m - - - - 70 m 5 x 2 6 x 2 5 x 3 6 x 3 80 m - - - - 80 m 6 x 2 7 x 2 6 x 3 6 x 3 20 m 30 m 20 m 30 m 6m 8m 6m 8m 6m 8m 6m 8m 30 m - 2 x 2 - 3 x 2 30 m 3 x 2 4 x 2 3 x 3 4 x 3 40 m - 3 x 2 - 3 x 2 40 m 4 x 2 5 x 2 4 x 3 4 x 3 50 m - 4 x 2 - 3 x 3 50 m 5 x 2 6 x 2 5 x 3 6 x 3 60 m - 4 x 2 - 4 x 3 60 m 6 x 2 7 x 2 6 x 3 7 x 3 70 m - 5 x 2 - 5 x 3 70 m 7 x 2 8 x 2 7 x 3 7 x 3 80 m - 5 x 2 - 5 x 3 80 m 8 x 2 9 x 2 8 x 3 8 x 3 Stable and Yard Lighting Width Height* Length Width Height* Length Width Height* Length Width Height* Length Width Height* Length Width Height* Length Width Height* Length Width Height* Length Width Height* Length Width Height* Length The following overview contains recommendations for the luminaire type, number and arrangement for different illumination intensities as a function of the building dimensions and the suspension height of the luminaires. The values are chosen in such a way that a sufficiently uniform illumination (E min /E average >= 0.4) is achieved on the entire surface. Please note that the actual number of luminaires required depends on individual circumstances and may deviate from these specifications. In principle, also other constellations with regard to luminaire selection, arrangement and suspension height can be useful. If you have any questions, please contact our consulting team. calculator for LED indoor spotlights 100 Lux** 200 Lux* 100 W HiLED Premium Farmer / Pro 150 W HiLED Premium Farmer / Pro 240 W HiLED Premium Farmer 200 W HiLED Premium Farmer / Pro 150 W MultiLED Premium Farmer / Pro
19 20 m 30 m 20 m 30 m 7m 9m 7m 9m 7m 9m 7m 9m 30 m 2 x 1 2 x 1 2 & 1 2 x 2 30 m 2 x 2 3 & 2 3 x 2 3 x 2 40 m 3 x 1 3 x 1 2 x 2 2 x 2 40 m 3 x 2 3 x 2 4 x 2 4 x 2 50 m 4 x 1 4 x 1 3 & 2 3 x 2 50 m 3 x 2 4 x 2 5 x 2 5 x 2 60 m 4 x 1 4 x 1 3 x 3 3 x 2 60 m 4 x 2 4 x 2 5 x 2 6 x 2 70 m 5 x 1 5 x 1 4 & 3 4 x 2 70 m 5 x 2 5 x 2 6 x 2 7 x 2 80 m 6 x 1 6 x 1 4 x 4 4 x 2 80 m 5 x 2 6 x 2 7 x 2 8 x 2 20 m 30 m 20 m 30 m 8m 10m 8m 10m 8m 10m 8m 10m 30 m 2 x 1 3 x 1 2 x 2 2 x 2 30 m 5 x 1 3 x 2 4 x 2 3 x 3 40 m 3 x 1 4 x 1 2 x 2 3 x 2 40 m 6 x 1 4 x 2 3 x 3 3 x 3 50 m 4 x 1 4 x 1 3 x 2 3 x 2 50 m 8 x 1 4 x 2 4 x 3 4 x 3 60 m 5 x 1 5 x 1 3 x 2 4 x 2 60 m 9 x 1 5 x 2 5 x 3 5 x 3 70 m 6 x 1 6 x 1 4 x 2 4 x 2 70 m 10 x 1 6 x 2 5 x 3 6 x 3 80 m 6 x 1 7 x 1 4 x 2 5 x 2 80 m 12 x 1 7 x 2 6 x 3 6 x 3 20 m 30 m 20 m 30 m 5 m 6 m 5 m 6 m 5 m 6 m 5 m 6 m 30 m 3 x 2 3 x 2 3 x 3 3 x 3 30 m 5 x 3 5 x 3 5 x 4 5 x 4 40 m 4 x 2 5 & 4 4 x 3 4 x 3 40m 6+5+6 6 x 3 6 x 4 6 x 5 50 m 5 x 2 5 x 2 6 x 3 6 x 3 50 m 5 x 4 6 x 4 7 x 5 7 x 5 60 m 6 x 2 7 x 2 7 x 3 7 x 3 60 m 7 x 4 6 x 5 7 x 6 7 x 6 70 m 7 x 2 7 x 2 8 x 3 8 x 3 70 m 8 x 4 8 x 5 8 x 4 9 x 4 80 m 8 x 2 8 x 2 9 x 3 9 x 3 80 m 9 x 4 9 x 4 10 x 4 10 x 4 20 m 30 m 20 m 30 m 5 m 6 m 5 m 6 m 5 m 6 m 5 m 6 m 30 m 2 x 2 2 x 2 3x 2 3 x 2 30 m 4 x 2 4 x 2 4 x 3 4 x 3 40 m 3 & 2 3 x 2 4 x 2 4 x 2 40 m 5 x 2 5 x 2 4 x 4 4 x 4 50 m 4 x 2 4 x 2 5 x 2 4 & 3 50 m 5 x 2 5 + 4 + 5 5 x 4 5 x 4 60 m 4 x 2 4 x 2 6 x 2 6 x 2 60 m 5 x 3 5 x 3 6 x 4 6 x 4 70 m 5 x 2 5 x 2 5 x 2 5 x 2 70 m 6 x 3 6 x 3 6 x 4 7 x 4 80 m 6 x 2 6 x 2 5 x 3 5 x 3 80 m 7 x 3 7 x 3 7 x 4 8 x 4 20 m 30 m 20 m 30 m 6m 8m 6m 8m 6m 8m 6m 8m 30 m 3 x 1 2 x 2 2 x 2 30 m 3 x 2 3 x 2 3 x 3 3 x 3 40 m 3 x 1 3 & 2 3 x 2 3 x 2 40 m 4 x 2 4 x 2 4 x 3 4 x 3 50 m 3 & 2 3 x 2 4 & 3 4 x 2 50 m 5 x 2 5 x 2 5 x 3 5 x 3 60 m 3 x 2 3 x 2 4 & 3 4 x 2 60 m 6 x 2 6 x 2 6 x 3 6 x 3 70 m 3 & 3 4 x 2 5 x 2 5 x 2 70 m 7 x 2 7 x 2 7 x 3 7 x 3 80 m 5 & 4 5 & 4 6 & 5 6 x 2 80 m 8 x 2 8 x 2 8 x 3 8 x 3 Width Height* Length Width Height* Length Width Height* Length Width Height* Length Width Height* Length Width Height* Length Width Height* Length Width Height* Length Width Height* Length Width Height* Length Stable and Yard Lighting Arrangement of lights Länge Stallbreite 25 % 50 % 25 % Stallbreite Länge 16,6 % 16,6 % 33,3 % 33,3 % 100 Lux** 200 Lux* 75 W HiLED Evo 225 W MultiLED Pro 125 W HiLED Evo 175 W HiLED Evo 300 W MultiLED Premium Farmer
20 Top Quality LED Flood Light LED Flood Light Comfort Pro The integrated lens optics of the high-quality LED floodlight provide extremely homogeneous illumination, and at the same time reduce glare and light/shade contrasts. This makes it ideal for the focused, convenient illumination of riding areas and other spaces indoors and outdoors. • integrated lens optic ensures extremely broad and front-facing lighting • Light is directed to where it is needed – low light pollution • Reduces glare and light-shadow contrast • protected against temporary immersion and dust-proof (IP67 protection class) • flicker-free, so also suitable for animals with high visual acuity • cover made from hardened glass • with integrated mounting bracket and access lines 1.5 m • Can be mounted on floodlight towers with optional adapter (345413) • suitable for indoor and outdoor use • 5-year warranty Technical data Voltage 100 - 277 V AC Mains frequency 50 - 60 Hz Luminous efficacy 160 lm/W Light angle (half intensity angle) 150 ° Chip service life (L70) > 100.000 h Dimming function 1…10 V, 10 V PWM, 0 - 100 kΩ resistance Material Aluminium, powder-coated / Polycarbonate / stainless steel / tempered glass Operating ambient temperature -40 - 50 °C Colour rendering (CRI) Ra > 80 Power factor > 0,9 Impact resistance IK08 Protection class IP67 Ref. no. Output Length Width Height Dimming function Luminous flux Colour temperature € 345410 50 W 21,7 cm 32,3 cm 5,1 cm dimmable 8.000 lm 5.700 K 1/5 345411 100 W 34,3 cm 36,9 cm 5,6 cm dimmable 16.000 lm 5.700 K 1/3 345412 200 W 39,3 cm 42,2 cm 5,8 cm dimmable 32.000 lm 5.700 K 1/2 Ref. no. Description € 345413 Mounting adapter for flood light towers 1/20 New product 5-year warranty extremely wide beam directed forwards 80 ° 150 ° 345413
21 LED Flood Light Perfect light for horse and rider with Comfort Pro 200 W As steppe animals, horses have a high need for light and, as prey animals, have a very wide field of view (340 °). They see in mainly shades of green and blue and only adapt slowly to changes between light and dark. The LED floodlight Comfort Pro 200 W is adapted to these needs and special features and is therefore perfectly suited as a riding arena light. It provides high light intensity within a horse-friendly light spectrum. Homogeneous illumination reduces glare and light/shadow contrast, only directing the light to where it is needed. Perfect lighting for horse and rider! Find out more in the “LED Lighting for Horses” brochure. comparison of riding arena illumination of the Comfort Pro 200 W (left) with standard floodlights (right) lens optic minimises glare and light-shadow contrast
22 LED Lighting Control Control for LED lighting This lighting control allows you to switch the artificial lighting on or off, on a timer and regardless of existing daylight, or even achieve a constant light level (e.g. min. 200 lux) through automatic dimming. This means it ensures ideal lighting conditions throughout the day and year while minimising electricity consumption. Comfort for animals and humans! • controls lighting dependent on time and/or daylight • four different lighting circuits (groups) can be independently controlled, two of which with a dimming function • suitable for LED lights with 1...10V interface • standard surface-mount housing for mounting in the equipment room • Dust and moisture protection (IP65) • suitable e.g. for up to 50 150 watt lights (up to 15 lights on the dimmable circuits 1 and 2, and up to 10 lights on circuits 3 and 4) • supplied with a light sensor (can request up to four light sensors) • input for up to four button signals • easy to use with display and three buttons • with extensive documentation and terminal description • Housing material: Plastic easy to install by your electric company LED oval light, can be controlled as an optional night light (345606) via a separate lighting circuit Technical data Supply voltage 230 V / 400 V Fuse B16 A Pole Connectors 3-pin Max. current value per output 16 A Max. total power circuit 3 and 4 16 A Number of circuits 4 Number of dimmable circuits 2 Max. switching capacity 11 kVA Dimming function circuit 1 and 2 1...10 V Number of max. light sensors 4 Number of max. button signals 4 Protection class IP65 Ref. no. Material Width Height € 345000 Plastic 300 mm 450 mm 1 Ref. no. Description Length Width Height € 345001 Sensor for control 11 cm 6,5 cm 3,5 cm 1 345001
23 Why does lighting need to be controlled? You want to ensure a certain light level (e.g. 200 lux recommended for dairy cattle barns) inside the building. Yet daylight incidence varies greatly throughout the day. Summer days are also generally light and winter days dark. If the lighting is designed to generate the desired brightness in the building at low daylight levels, then it would be too bright at high daylight levels. This would waste energy. You want to generate a long daylight phase in the barn to increase milk production? You certainly don‘t want to turn on the light very early in the morning and turn it off very late at night every day. Kerbl’s lighting control system has the answer: you can use it to switch the artificial barn lighting on or off with time control and depending on the available daylight, or even achieve a constant lighting level through automatic dimming. Which control methods are possible? Dawn Dusk Lighting constant light level natural daylight Lighting control with an internal sensor The optimum light control set-up can also take account of the influence of the building envelope on the lighting levels inside the building. If, for example, all windows are darkened due to strong sunlight, the lighting inside the building should be switched on regardless. In this case, the light sensor is installed inside the building. The lighting intensity can then be controlled not only by switching the lights on and off, but also by automatic dimming of the lamps. This creates a constant light level in the building between the specified switch-on and switch-off times. Lighting control with an outdoor light sensor LED Lighting Control A light sensor measures the brightness outside. If the light sensor detects that the daylight is sufficient, then the lighting inside the building is switched off. If the available daylight falls below a set threshold, the lighting is switched on. If dimmable lamps are used, you can also specify that the lighting is switched on in a dimmed state. In parallel, you can also pre-set the on and off times in the morning and in the evening using a timer.
24 5 Jahre Garantie LED Tubes and Moisture-proof Lights LED moisture-proof lamp FarmLINE Perfect for rough conditions in wet, moist or dusty environments! • for lighting stables, riding halls, industrial buildings and warehouses, barns, workshops, etc. • with integrated high-performance LED chips (no fluorescent or LED tubes required) • protected against powerful water jets and dust-proof (IP65 protection class) • with D marking according to DIN EN 60598-2-24, therefore suitable for areas at risk of fires due to combustible dusts or fibres (hay storage, feed, litter, etc.) • stable, shock-resistant housing made from polycarbonate • uniform and glare-free illumination due to a frosted cover • incl. installation clips made of stainless steel • 3-year warranty Technical data Voltage 220 - 240 V AC Mains frequency 50 - 60 Hz Luminous efficacy 128 lm/W Light angle (half intensity angle) 120 ° Chip service life (L70) > 50.000 h Material Polycarbonate / stainless steel Operating ambient temperature -20 - 40 °C Colour rendering (CRI) Ra > 80 Power factor > 0,9 Protection class IP65 Protection class I Ref. no. Output Length Width Height Dimming function Luminous flux Colour temperature € 345470 25 W 119 cm 9,5 cm 7,5 cm cannot be dimmed 3.200 lm 6.000 K 1/6 345471 50 W 149 cm 9,5 cm 7,5 cm cannot be dimmed 6.400 lm 6.000 K 1/6 3-year warranty LED moisture-proof lamp FarmTUBE • specially developed for use in livestock barns • resistant to ammonia (DLG-tested) • suitable for high-pressure cleaning (protection class IP69K) • flicker-free, so ideally suitable for poultry • uniform and glare-free illumination due to a frosted cover • stable, impact-resistant casing made from extruded PMMA, with stainless steel covers • high energy efficiency • suitable for low to medium-high ceiling heights • with through-wiring and rapid clamps on both sides, for simple series installation • incl. stainless steel installation clips for direct or suspended mounting • with D marking according to DIN EN 60598-2-24, therefore suitable for areas at risk of fires due to combustible dusts or fibres (hay storage, feed, litter, etc.) • GS-tested • 5-year warranty Technical data 345640 345641 345642 Voltage 220 - 240 V 220 - 240 V 220 - 240 V Mains frequency 50 - 60 Hz 50 - 60 Hz 50 - 60 Hz Luminous efficacy 140 lm/W 150 lm/W 150 lm/W Light angle (half intensity angle) 113 ° 113 ° 113 ° Chip service life (L70) > 50.000 h > 50.000 h > 50.000 h Dimming function 1...10 V 1...10 V 1...10 V Colour rendering (CRI) Ra > 80 Ra > 80 Ra > 80 Protection class Ref. no. Output Length Width Height Dimming function Luminous flux Colour temperature € 345640 20 W 620 mm 86 mm 86 mm dimmable 2.800 lm 6.000 K 1/4 345641 40 W 1.220 mm 86 mm 86 mm dimmable 6.000 lm 6.000 K 1/4 345642 60 W 1.520 mm 86 mm 86 mm dimmable 9.000 lm 6.000 K 1/4 5-year warranty New product
25 LED Tubes and Moisture-proof Lights Moisture-proof Diffuser Light for LED Tubes • only suitable for T8 LED tubes • no bridging starter required • protected against powerful water jets and dust-proof (IP65 protection class) • unbreakable housing with a high resistance to ammonia • incl. installation clips made of stainless steel • with D marking according to DIN EN 60598-2-24, therefore suitable for areas at risk of fires due to combustible dusts or fibres (hay storage, feed, litter, etc.) Light source not included! Technical data 34567 345670 Voltage 220 - 240 V AC 220 - 240 V AC Mains frequency 50 - 60 Hz 50 - 60 Hz Max. output of the LED tubes used 24 W 18 W Lamp Base G13 G13 Protection class IP65 IP65 Protection class I I Ref. no. Colour Length € 34567 grey 150 cm 1/9 345670 grey 120 cm 1/12 Moisture-proof diffuser light with LED tubes • 2 LED tubes (each 22 Watt, 150 cm) included in the scope of delivery (TÜV-GS certified) • no bridging starter required • protected against powerful water jets and dust-proof (IP65 protection class) • break-resistant housing made from ABS with PC cover • incl. mounting material and mounting clips made from stainless steel • Through-wiring 3 x 1.5 mm² • bilateral cable conduit M20 • only suitable for T8 LED tubes Technical data Voltage 220 - 240 V Mains frequency 50 - 60 Hz Colour rendering (CRI) Ra > 80 Lamp Base G13 Ref. no. Output Length Width Height Dimming function Colour temperature € 345672 22 W 157 cm 10 cm 5,5 cm cannot be dimmed 6.500 K 1/8 LED moisture-proof lamp SlimLINE • for lighting stables, riding halls, barns, industrial buildings and warehouses, workshops, cellars, etc. • for low to medium ceiling heights and ideal as a replacement for fluorescent tubes • flicker-free, so ideally suitable for poultry • uniform and glare-free illumination due to a frosted cover • stable, shock-resistant housing made from polycarbonate • protected against water jets and dust-proof (IP66 protection class) • incl. connection cable and stainless steel mounting clips • with D marking according to DIN EN 60598-2-24, therefore suitable for areas at risk of fires due to combustible dusts or fibres (hay storage, feed, litter, etc.) • 3-year warranty Technical data Voltage 220 - 240 V AC Mains frequency 50 - 60 Hz Luminous efficacy 140 lm/W Light angle (half intensity angle) 120 ° Chip service life (L70) > 50.000 h Material Polycarbonate / stainless steel Operating ambient temperature -20 - 40 °C Colour rendering (CRI) Ra > 80 Power factor > 0,9 Protection class IP66 Ref. no. Output Length Width Height Dimming function Luminous flux Colour temperature € 345461 35 W 120 cm 5,2 cm 5,4 cm cannot be dimmed 4.900 lm 6.000 K 1/12 345462 45 W 150 cm 5,2 cm 5,4 cm cannot be dimmed 6.300 lm 6.000 K 1/12 New product 3-year warranty
26 E A G C A G LED Tubes and Moisture-proof Lights LED Tube EcoTUBE • Lamp tube made out of glass with special plastic coating to prevent sagging while also ensuring optimal splinter protection • very high light angle ensures particularly uniform illumination • flicker-free, thus also for poultry with high visual acuity • very efficient through high lumen output • only suitable for lights with conventional electro-magnetic ballasts (conventional ballasts/low-loss ballasts). • TÜV tested • 5-year warranty flicker-free Technical data Voltage 220 - 240 V AC Mains frequency 50 - 60 Hz Light angle (half intensity angle) 210 ° Chip service life (L70) > 50.000 h Colour rendering (CRI) Ra > 80 Lamp Base G13 Bulb shape T8 Ref. no. Output Length Dimming function Luminous flux Colour temperature € 345650 21 W 150 cm cannot be dimmed 2.750 lm 6.500 K 1/10 345651 17 W 120 cm cannot be dimmed 2.200 lm 6.500 K 1/10 5-year warranty LED Tube EcoTUBE Plus • Lamp tube made out of glass with special plastic coating to prevent sagging while also ensuring optimal splinter protection • very high light angle ensures particularly uniform illumination • flicker-free, thus also for poultry with high visual acuity • very high light output • extremely efficient through high lumen output • only suitable for lights with conventional electro-magnetic ballasts (conventional ballasts/low-loss ballasts). • TÜV tested • 5-year warranty flicker-free Technical data Voltage 220 - 240 V AC Mains frequency 50 - 60 Hz Light angle (half intensity angle) 210 ° Chip service life (L70) > 50.000 h Colour rendering (CRI) Ra > 80 Lamp Base G13 Bulb shape T8 Ref. no. Output Length Dimming function Luminous flux Colour temperature € 345654 24 W 150 cm cannot be dimmed 4.000 lm 4.000 K 1/10 345652 24 W 150 cm cannot be dimmed 4.000 lm 6.500 K 1/10 345655 18 W 120 cm cannot be dimmed 3.000 lm 4.000 K 1/10 345653 18 W 120 cm cannot be dimmed 3.000 lm 6.500 K 1/10 5-year warranty 4,000 K (neutral white) The LED tubes EcoTUBE and EcoTUBE Plus come with the latest LED technology and their high light output, high efficiency and extremely attractive price-performance ratio cannot fail to impress. Compared with conventional fluorescent tubes, you can save a great deal on energy costs and enjoy many other benefits as well: • very long service life and high switching durability • full light output even at low temperatures • full, immediate luminosity, no flickering, no humming • uniform and glare-free illumination • high colour reproduction (Ra > 80), suitable for nearly all operating sites according to workplace guidelines • sturdy housing • mercury-free 6,500 K (daylight white)
27 F E A G F E A G Stable and Yard Lighting Philips CorePro LED Bulb E27 Inexpensive bulb replacement. Ideal for general lighting applications. • matt finish - droplet shape • low energy consumption • 2-year warranty Technical data Voltage 220 - 240 V Mains frequency 50 - 60 Hz Light angle (half intensity angle) 200 ° Chip service life (L70) > 15.000 h Colour rendering (CRI) Ra > 80 Lamp Base E27 Ref. no. Output Length Width Height Dimming function Energy efficiency class corresponds to incandescent lamp output Luminous flux Colour temperature € 345960 4,9 W 110 mm 60 mm 60 mm cannot be dimmed F approx. 40 W 470 lm 2.700 K 1/10 1.440 345961 8 W 110 mm 60 mm 60 mm cannot be dimmed F approx. 60 W 806 lm 2.700 K 1/10 1.440 345962 13 W 110 mm 60 mm 60 mm cannot be dimmed E approx. 100 W 1.521 lm 2.700 K 1/10 1.440 Philips CorePro LED Bulb E14 Inexpensive bulb replacement. Ideal for general lighting applications. • matt finish - candle shape • low energy consumption • 2-year warranty Technical data Voltage 220 - 240 V Mains frequency 50 - 60 Hz Chip service life (L70) > 15.000 h Colour rendering (CRI) Ra > 80 Lamp Base E14 Ref. no. Output Length Width Height Dimming function Energy efficiency class corresponds to incandescent lamp output Luminous flux Colour temperature € 345966 2,8 W 106 mm 35 mm 35 mm cannot be dimmed F approx. 25 W 250 lm 2.700 K 1/10 3.920 345967 5 W 106 mm 35 mm 35 mm cannot be dimmed F approx. 40 W 470 lm 2.700 K 1/10 3.920 345968 7 W 106 mm 35 mm 35 mm cannot be dimmed E approx. 60 W 806 lm 2.700 K 1/10 3.360 New product LED Outdoor Spotlight • for even lighting of stalls, barns, sheds, farmyards, gardens etc. • with energy-efficient, SMD LED chips • up to 90 % less power consumption • high light power - 120 lm/W • adjustable angle, thanks to movable installation bracket • robust housing made from cast aluminium with safety glass • protected against dust and spray • incl. 1 m connection cable • Detection area, switch-on duration and switch-on brightness adjustable (models with motion detector) • GS-tested • 2-year warranty Technical data Voltage 220 - 240 V Mains frequency 50 - 60 Hz Luminous efficacy 120 lm/W Light angle (half intensity angle) 110 ° Chip service life (L70) ~ 30.000 h Material Die-cast aluminium Colour rendering (CRI) Ra > 80 Cable length 100 cm Protection class (without motion sensor) IP65 Protection class (with motion sensor) IP44 Ref. no. Description Output Width Height Depth Dimming function Luminous flux Colour temperature € 345660 without motion sensor 10 W 8,8 cm 3,2 cm 6,2 cm cannot be dimmed 1.200 lm 5.000 K 1/50 1.200 345661 without motion sensor 20 W 10 cm 3,5 cm 7 cm cannot be dimmed 2.400 lm 5.000 K 1/30 1.200 345662 without motion sensor 30 W 13,5 cm 3,5 cm 11 cm cannot be dimmed 3.600 lm 5.000 K 1/20 600 345663 without motion sensor 50 W 18 cm 3,5 cm 14,3 cm cannot be dimmed 6.000 lm 5.000 K 1/18 648 345664 without motion sensor 100 W 21 cm 16,5 cm 3,5 cm cannot be dimmed 12.000 lm 5.000 K 1/10 350 345665 with motion detector 10 W 8,8 cm 4,5 cm 12,5 cm cannot be dimmed 1.200 lm 5.000 K 1/40 960 345666 with motion detector 20 W 10 cm 5 cm 14 cm cannot be dimmed 2.400 lm 5.000 K 1/30 540 345667 with motion detector 30 W 13,5 cm 5 cm 17,5 cm cannot be dimmed 3.600 lm 5.000 K 1/30 540 345668 with motion detector 50 W 18 cm 5 cm 20,7 cm cannot be dimmed 6.000 lm 5.000 K 1/16 384
28 Stable and Yard Lighting LED Outdoor Spotlight SolarLED Solina • compact solar battery light with integrated solar module • incl. motion sensor • Adjustable light colour (warm white, neutral white, cool white) • removable lithium-ion battery with USB-C charging port • Tilt angle of light and solar module individually adjustable 4 operating modes: • 3 % brightness, 100 % brightness for approx. 30s when motion is detected • Light off, 100 % brightness for 30s when motion is detected • 3 % brightness, no motion detection • Light off Technical data Luminous efficacy 123 lm/W Light angle (half intensity angle) 120 ° Material ABS plastic / Polycarbonate Battery rated voltage 3,7 V Battery technology Li-Ion Battery capacity 2.600 Ah Hours of light approx. 8 h Solar module type polycrystalline Output solar module 2 W Rated voltage solar module 5,5 V Protection class IP54 Ref. no. Output Length Width Height Luminous flux Colour temperature € 345695 13 W 16,8 cm 4 cm 19,1 cm 1.600 lm 3.000 K / 4.000 K / 6.500 K 1/20 New product LED Outdoor Spotlight SolarLED Elio • Solar battery light with external solar module • incl. motion sensor and brightness sensor • with remote control for setting brightness and mode • Cable length: 5 m • removable lithium-ion battery • Tilt angle of light and solar module individually adjustable 4 operating modes: • manual operation (on/off) • Timer operation (light switches on at dusk for the selected period (3 h/5 h/8 h)) • Automatic operation (light switches to 100 % brightness at dusk and gradually reduces to 30 % brightness) • Sensor operation (20 % brightness, 100 % brightness for approx. 15s when motion is detected) Technical data Luminous efficacy 150 lm/W Light angle (half intensity angle) 120 ° Material ABS plastic / tempered glass Battery rated voltage 3,7 V Battery technology Li-Ion Battery capacity 15.000 mAh Battery charge time 4 - 6 h Hours of light approx. 11 h Solar module type monocrystalline Output solar module 15 W Rated voltage solar module 5 V Protection class IP65 Ref. no. Output Length Width Height Luminous flux Colour temperature € 345696 8 W 27 cm 4,9 cm 30,6 cm 1.200 lm 4.000 K 1/5 Ref. no. Description Length Width Height € 345696-1 Solar Panel 390 mm 235 mm 17 mm 1/10 345696-2 Replacement/extension cable 5 m 1/20 New product
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