Rutland Electric Fencing 2024

12 Fence Design & Tips FENCE ENERGISER TERMINOLOGY SPECIES CONSIDERATIONS Volts – This is the pressure behind the flow of electricity to push the energy along the conductive fence wire. (similar to air pressure) Most energisers produce up to 10,000 volts and about 3,000 volts minimum (measured by a volt meter, 488229), is needed at the end of the fence. Ohms – This is the measure of resistance, rather like friction of water running along a hosepipe. Small diameter fence conductors, such as those in poly wires and tape have high resistance and are used for short fences. Large diameter wire such as 2.5mm high tensile have low resistance and can be many kilometres long. Vegetation growth on a fence line acts like a leak in a water pipe and “shorts” the fence to earth thus reducing its effectiveness. Joules – This is the amount of energy available to be pushed down the conductor by the energiser, and is the measure of shock felt by the animal. This is rather like cubic capacity or volume. Higher joules mean longer fences (see page 1 for the joules stored in each energiser). Stored energy gives the best indication of the energiser’s ability to handle fence load and maintain an effective shock. Stored energy is used to compare one model from the other. Reasons for this are, it is independent of external fence load conditions and is more consistent than output energy, which changes according to standard specifications. We have various models in our mains range starting from the ESM1500 model (1.5 stored energy) up to our most powerful mains unit the ESM20000i which is 20j stored energy, which conforms to the latest European 60375-2-76 A11A12 specifications. Amperage – The measurement of electric current; what you feel when you get shocked. The higher the amperage the more intense shock the animal will feel. Animal Minimum recommended voltage on fence line* Characteristics/ Recommendations Horses 3,000 volts Use high visibility products such as poly tape or poly rope Cattle 3,000 volts If docile with plenty of pasture, 1-3 strands adequate Bulls 4,000 volts Extra shock needed to control a determined bull, 4 strands recommended Sheep/ Goats 3,000–5,000 volts Difficult to confine (goats jump, thick coats require higher voltage), 4-6 strands Nuisance pests and vermin 3,000 volts Smaller animals require closer wire spacing Pigs 3,000 volts To deter from rooting, use 3-4 wires starting 15cm from ground Foxes/ Predators 4,000–5,000 volts Multi-wires spaced 13-20cm apart from ground level Deer 3,000–4,000 volts Multi-wire fence 1.8-2.5m high using high visibility tape or rope Pets 3,000 volts 3-4 wires, starting 15cm from ground EARTHING In order for the fence to work correctly it is necessary to make an adequate Earth. The shock circuit is then completed when an animal comes into contact with the fence. If an insufficient earth is used then the whole system becomes inefficient or ineffective. You will only get the full potential from your rutland energiser if it is correctly earthed. Depending on the energiser, we suggest you use a minimum one metre (Part No. 44615) galvanised earth stake. In dry ground conditions the current flows less easily than in wet conditions and may require the use of additional earth stakes. Additional earth stakes should be spaced two metres apart and joined with lead out cable. Fence lead and clip Earth lead and clip Fence energiser Connector Wire (Part No. 488616) 1m Galvanized metal earth stakes driven 1m (3’) deep – Additional earth stakes spaced 2m (6’) apart if required.