Rutland Electric Fencing 2024

6 Symbols Description Unit Explanation ​ Earthing Quantity required In order to enable electricity to flow freely from the ground to the device, optimal contact should be ensured between the earthing rod and soil (dry soil is a poor electricity conductor). The earthing rod (which must be galvanised) should therefore be driven into a damp area, the length of the earthing rod should be measured to ensure that deeper, damper soil layers are reached. The recommended number of earthing rods depends on the power class of the device. ​ Resistance Ohms The following resistance can be identified in a fence system: Earthing resistance  should be as low as possible Conductive material resistance  displayed in Ohm/metres. The smaller this value, the better the material‘s conductivity. The conductivity requirements of the material used increase with the length of the fence. The best materials have a resistance smaller than 0.25 Ω/m. Isolator resistance  should be as high as possible ​ Maximum Voltage Volts This voltage is reached with a low fence charge. ​ Voltage in Open Circuit Volts Voltage when no fence system is connected to the electric fencer device. ​ Voltage at 500 Ohms Volts Voltage at a fence charge of 500 Ohm. ​ Stored Energy Joules Energy absorbed by device. The electric fencer efficiency ratio yields the relevant discharge energy value for the user. ​ Maximum Output Joules Maximum energy transmitted from the device to the fence system. This pulse is also identified as shock strength. ​ Output Energy Joules Minimum energy transmitted from the device to the fence system. This can be reached through a fence output with reduced power or through selecting the lowest power level of an electric fencer device. Explanation of symbols