Veterinary Equipment 2023

77 Hoof Mat Standard • for claws • without sleeve ​ ​ ​ Ref. no. Colour Length Width Height ​ ​ € 16416 blue 180 cm 90 cm 4 cm 1 25 ​ Ref. no. Description ​ € 16414 Cover 1 ​ ClawPlus Hoof Bath for Cattle • can be usedas a hoof bath or for direct application • hardens, cares for and regenerates reliably, for healthy hooves and efficient animals • should be usedas regularly as possible as a Hoof Bath for the entire herd 1-2 times per week • for intensive hoof care, the concentration can be gradually increased to 2% • as a hoof bath for 75 – 90 animals, mix 1 l of ClawPlus with 200 litres of water • as a hoof bath for more than 90 animals, mix 2 l of ClawPlus with 200 litres of water • as direct application, apply in a ratio of 1:3 with water in a spray bottle and spray the hooves directly 2 x daily Penetrates deep into the keratin and has an excellent effect! ​ Ref. no. Contents ​ € 16397 5 kg / Canister 1/4 ​ 16398 25 L / Canister 1 ​ Care and disinfection